如果您需要一些严重的压力缓解,De-Stress Bath Salt Blend 是为您而设计的。 4 种不同 盐促进深度放松, 镁片, 有机薰衣草和川川 软化皮肤和舒缓神经紧张,金盏花和黑曜石水晶片去除负能量。
这个浸泡是 有益于患有不安腿综合征的人或 处理神经和/或身体紧张。
Foot Soak: Fill a basin with warm water and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the foot and bath salts. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to relieve tiredness and soften the skin.
Bath Soak: Add 1 cup of salts to a warm bath. Stir the water to dissolve the salts. Soak for 20-30 minutes to relax muscles, calm the mind, and rejuvenate the skin.
Aftercare: After your soak, rinse your skin with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. Moisturise your skin and pop some socks on to lock in the benefits.